06 September 2010

Today we took a little family trip to Amacolola State Park in Dawsonville, GA. It's about a 20 minute drive from our house. Just far enough to get away from the familiar, but not too far to cause stress of being in the car too long! We took a few snacks for lunch and walked the trails. The top picture is Daddy & the kids standing at the top of the falls. The drive up there is a 25% grade. Not fun to drive up when you have a car in front of you going extremely slow! The bottom picture is the bottom of the falls. It's simply breathtaking to see in person! Although I must say the hike up to the bottom of the falls is NO joke! Michael + backpack carrier= extra 30lbs of weight on Mommy's back! All worth it in the end though. Kids had a great time! I <3 family time and wish we had more of it!

Playroom fun!

The playroom was looking so drab lately. The kids rarely played up there and I was tired of toys overtaking my living room! So with a fresh coat of paint and some homemade valances, the are is much more inviting. I have a vinyl idea for the empty wall, but now I just have to find time to do it! :)
By the way, this was my first sewing project for the house. I only had about a week of experience with the sewing machine before I started this. Not too shabby if you ask me! :)


Michael had his first day of preschool last week. It's a MMO program at the local UMC downtown. The program is so amazing though! They do so much with the kids. Zola attended last year for 3yo preschool so I thought Michael could use the social interaction this year. He'll be 2 in October and has rarely been away from Mama since he was 10 months old when we moved here!
The first day went rather well. His teacher, Ms. Jennifer, is amazingly nice! He said 'Bye Bye' to me and cried for only a few seconds and off he went. She said he never shed another tear for the rest of the day! I was impressed. No kicking. No screaming. NOTHING! My little man is growing up so fast!